Bread is the most delicious food,
Which gathers force of dew and grass,
It has united (that is good),
Land's beauty with skies' wisdom thus.
Though many diets may prohibit
to use a loaf of bread, you know,
They lie this food is not a gibbet-
One shall repeat once more below.
When incidentally (it's fair)
One tastes a piece of bread by chance,
He will forget his own affair
And will believe in life at once,
And comprehend the universal
Whole sense in ocean's every drop,
And try to live without rehearsals,
And try to hope against one's hope.
That man who was an ancient baker
Did not receive rewards or fame,
He won the day, forefather, maker,
Though kept the secret of his flame.
The fruits of skies and human labour
Have been passed on from time to time,
Bread is the most delicious neighbour
Until a man creates a rhyme.